
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Miracle Couch

The weekend after we moved into our new house, I found this great looking couch on Craigslist for the awesome price of $150.00!  After driving an hr. into Fort Collins to pick it up, the owner decided to even take off $10.00 because it was a little dirty/barely noticeable (he insisted) ...Let's call this Miracle #1

Side note: There was a 19 year old poodle sleeping by the couch
when we arrived.  More amazing, it could still run circles around the
living room!

Miracle #2 was the task of fitting it inside our vehicle.  The seller was a real trooper and I believe took a liking to us because I don't know who else would spend as much time and effort along with us to figure out a way to make this fit like a puzzle into our escape.

1/2 inch bigger and this couch would belong
to another owner. 

Note to reader:  ALWAYS, ALWAYS measure things before buying and be realistic by the measurements. 

Jesse and I did pull out the tape measurer before driving into town to pick up the couch.  It was longer than I wanted, but convinced myself we could make it work one way or the other...maybe just reposition it differently than I had pictured in my mind...right?  Maybe the guy measured it wrong and it really could fit into the corner like I had envisioned...after all, it was only $140... Sure, Teresa, wishful thinking.

I must have the most amazing and patient husband around because after we hauled the couch inside, had an O' Crap moment when I realized that it indeed WAS the size he measured and it DID NOT look good taking up our entire living room simply being repositioned, he opted to try another method...a crazy method.

Miracle #3: That our crazy idea actually worked.  We pulled away fabric, sawed the couch in half, reconstructed the corner, re-attached the fabric, created a new pillow and "Wallah" - a brand new custom built couch that fits likes perfection into the corner window of our house. 


Almost Done...
The Finished Product...not too shabby :)


Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Little White House on Fawn Lane

We are officially in love with our house and have started a new adventure. We would have never guessed a year ago we would have been able to buy our first home...let alone buy our first home in Estes Park, CO.  Whoa...did not see that one coming, but we will take it. 

Within a few hours of officially  moving in Jesse was already up a ladder trimming trees and cleaning out our gutters.  Forget about rain... nothing was going to stop the hubby from doing yard work he had been waiting for years to start :) 

As for me, I stayed on level ground and discovered this lovely little path beneath all the dirt and pine needles.  We got plans for the yard, but those are for posts coming this spring.

As for the inside, there will be many new posts to follow and now with internet for the first time in well over a year I am going to be all over this blogging thing keeping you updated about the happenings of our "Home-Sweet-Reno." 

Be ready.  Be prepared.  It's gonna be a crazy ride and if you ever find yourself thinking..."hmmm these pictures just don't seem good enough..."  then make a trip to Estes and stop by in person.  We will even let you stay in our basement (as soon as you aren't in any danger of stepping on a nail).